Back to school tips
With the long sun and fun-filled summer holidays coming to an end, it’s time to start getting ready for school. Here’s how your home can help you prepare for the new term.
A new school year. For some children - and parents - it’s a brand-new adventure, for others, it’s a tried and tested routine, for all, it’s part and parcel of family life, and just like your holiday, every adventure starts with a plan.
Children’s bedrooms have to make space for school uniforms and PE kit. Hall storage needs to make way for school shoes and school bags. Multi-tasking family rooms might need to be re-organised to embrace homework space.
You may be ahead of the game with clever storage ideas for football boots and you may have already re-purposed some of the built-in cupboard space that comes with your Persimmon home. It’s all about being (and feeling) organised and ready for the inevitable early morning grab-and-go!

Be prepared
You don't want to spend the first morning of term running around trying to find everything your child needs - especially if they're starting at a new school, or you're in a new home with new storage!
A week before the start of term, do final checks to make sure you have the right uniform, books and stationery, and that you know exactly where they're stored until the first morning of school.
It's also a good idea to label everything well ahead of time, either with stickers or a permanent marker. Chances are someone will have bought the same new lunchbox, making for an easy muddle-up.
Finally, establish the school routine at least a few days before the start of term. Earlier bedtimes, setting the morning alarms, and regular mealtimes will be less of a shock to the system if you've had some time to get into the rhythm.

Storage solutions
There’s no need for any hang-ups about where to keep school uniform, PE kit, school bags and school shoes. Easy access to your child’s belongings is rule number one, and a practical choice of furniture will give you 10/10 every time.
- Pigeon-hole shoe racks make a stylish line-up in your hallway, in your utility room or even in your garage. Easy to install, easy to see, easy to reach.
- Affordable slimline shelving can be wall-mounted in an integral garage, tucked into your hallway or installed in an under-stairs cupboard.
- Wall-mounted pegs are a great option for those often reached-for items - P.E kit, coat, backpack. They'll be kept off the floor, and in easy eyesight before you head out.
- Fitted storage is a neat idea too. Our Finishing Touches include fitted wardrobes in the bedrooms, so why not future-proof your family home with extra storage in the kids’ rooms so that school uniforms don’t cramp their style.

Create a homework space
Just as those working from home understand the importance of having a clear and organised workspace, it’s equally important for your child to have a suitable space to get their homework out of the way after school.
A craft desk will double up as a homework desk and is a fun addition when it comes to thinking outside the box for storage solutions for all those rubbers and rulers, pencil cases and pencil sharpeners, notebooks and reading books. It’s a great way to blend work and play without making a big deal out of it.
Children love mini-kitchens and mini-tool stations, so a mini version of your home office, if you have one, will set a fitting example too. You could even get a desk-tidy and a height-adjustable kids’ desk chair. What a wonderful way to learn that going to school and growing up is fun!

Take the stress out of the school run
You may have just recently moved into your new family home, and we hope that our brochure guides to your new neighbourhood and local amenities has been helpful in finding the local school that’s best for your children.
If your children are new to a school, a couple of trial runs will make the first day feel familiar. Have fun making a map that includes your lovely new home, your road name, your new friends’ homes, local landmarks along the way, and put school firmly on the horizon as the goal.
One of the great things about a new community is that there will be other new families making just the same preparations. You could get together with neighbours who are also parents and make an event of it – the transition to a new school will be so much easier if your child already knows some familiar faces.
With a plan of action, it will be alarm clocks and not alarm bells when the first day of term arrives!
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