Our Brands
Find out more about our brands

Persimmon Homes
Persimmon Homes is our core brand which delivers a range of traditional family housing throughout the UK in places where customers wish to live and work. With a focus on delivering value and quality for our customers, we sell most of our homes under this brand.

Charles Church
The Charles Church brand complements and differentiates itself from Persimmon by delivering larger, higher specification homes in premium locations across the UK. We build homes under this brand tailored to local markets where our research and experience has identified a strong demand for a premium product.

Westbury Partnerships
Westbury Partnerships is our brand with a focus on affordable social housing. We sell these homes to housing associations across the UK. This brand plays a key part in the delivery of sustainable homes for the benefit of lower income occupiers, offering solutions to some of the country’s affordable housing needs.
Our Space4 manufacturing business produces timber frames, highly insulated wall panels and roof cassettes as a ‘fabric first’ solution to the construction of new homes. Space4’s MMC system helps us to improve site productivity, increase build capacity and mitigate construction industry skills shortages. Space4 supports all of our brands and supplied c.3,300 timber frame kits and roof systems
to the Group in 2023. Our Space4 factory provides us with the unique ability to implement (among other initiatives) innovative ‘fabric first’ solutions to enhance the future efficiency of our homes.

Brickworks produces concrete bricks and is entirely focused on
supplying the Group’s housebuilding operations. During 2023, Brickworks supplied c.44m bricks and block paving to 248 sites across the Group. This represented 54% of the Group’s brick usage in 2023. The factory has the capacity to produce c.70m bricks per year.

Tileworks, the Group’s own concrete roof tile manufacturing facility, produces tiles solely for the Group. During the 2023, Tileworks supplied c.7m tiles to 238 sites across the Group.

FibreNest is the Group’s own ultrafast, nationwide full fibre broadband service to the home, which aims to ensure all our customers are connected to the internet from moving in day. FibreNest provides ultrafast speeds coupled with excellent levels of service. At the end of 2023, there were over 36,000 connected customers across c.380 housing developments.
FibreNestOur Customers
Our ambition is to be trusted to deliver five-star homes consistently, reflecting our commitment to our customers and quality.
Our CustomersOur Suppliers
We recognise the importance of maintaining an effective and engaged supply chain in delivering our core focus areas.
Our SuppliersOur Charitable Activities
Persimmon helps to support our communities by making donations to local charities and community groups in the areas where we operate.
Our Charitable Activities