UN Sustainable Development Goals

At Persimmon, we want to address global challenges in a meaningful way that is relevant and aligned to our business strategy.

The table below shows how Persimmon’s three sustainability pillars and key priorities align to 10 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The UN SDGs universally apply to all and aim to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities, and tackle climate change on a global scale by 2030. These Goals cannot be realised without participation from all sectors including business.

Building for tomorrow


Transforming communities


Safe and inclusive

We will achieve net zero carbon homes in use and in our operations, supported by carbon reduction commitments, aligned to climate science.

We have a key role to play in minimising our environmental impact through our operations, our supply chain and the homes and communities we build, ultimately helping our customers to live more sustainably. Reducing our impact makes sense not only from an environmental perspective, but it also ensures greater efficiencies throughout our supply chain and operations.


We will positively transform communities directly connected to Persimmon’s activities.

Creating sustainable places for our customers is at the heart of what we do. Our Placemaking Framework guides all our developments and ensures we create lasting sustainable communities with great design, the right house types, and valued green open spaces. It is essential we make a positive impact when building new homes, meeting stakeholder expectations and engaging local residents.


We have a safe and inclusive culture focused on the wellbeing of our customers, communities and workforce.

Recruiting and retaining the right people means we deliver our five key priorities and provide excellent customer service. It is a priority that our processes meet stringent standards to ensure safety and wellbeing.

Link to priorities

Build quality & safety  Reinforcing trust Disciplined growth:


Build quality & safety  Reinforcing trust Disciplined growth:  Disciplined growth:   


Build quality & safety  Reinforcing trust Disciplined growth:

SDG alignment
sdg7 - affordable and clean energy SDG11 - sustainable cities and communities SDG12 - responsible consumption and production sdg13 - climate action sdg 15 - life on land   SDG11 - sustainable cities and communities sdg 15 - life on land   SDG3 - good health and wellbeing sdg 4 - quality education sdg 5 - gender equality sdg 8 - decent work and economic growth sdg 10 - reduced inequalities


Our priorities

Build quality & safety Build quality& safety Industry‑leading Industry‑leading financial performance
Reinforcing trust: Reinforcing trust: customers at the heart of our business Supporting sustainable communities Supporting sustainable communities
Disciplined growth Disciplined growth: high quality land investment    


Materiality matrix

Focusing on what matters most

Materiality Matrix

Engaging with Stakeholders

Committed to maintaining positive relationships

Engaging with Stakeholders


Our Sustaianbility Governance Framework
