
Building for tomorrow

Istock 653071618 From South East

Working responsibly

We recognise the important role that we play in the UK’s ambition to achieve a net zero carbon economy, and we have in place ambitious carbon reduction targets, which have been fully accredited by the Science Based Target initiative.

Our pathways to net zero

We have ambitious targets to be net zero in our homes in use by 2030 and net zero carbon in our operations by 2040.

This commitment is supported by interim science based carbon reduction targets, aligned to the Paris Agreement, to reduce carbon emissions from our own operations by 46.2% (2019 baseline) and our indirect operations (i.e. those from our homes in use and our supply chain) by at least 22% per m2 completed floor area by 2030 (2019 baseline). These are challenging targets requiring product innovation, supply chain engagement and changes to current operational processes.

We continue to evolve our understanding of the carbon within our supply chain, and report our Scope 3 emissions. As a home builder, the majority (c.99%) of the emissions that we generate come from our Scope 3 emissions.


We aim to be net zero homes in use by 2030


We aim to be net zero in our operations by 2040

Case study

Zero carbon house – Germany Beck, York

We built a zero carbon home at one of our new developments in York to evaluate how we could achieve the Future Homes Standard when it comes into legislation, in a practical, repeatable and cost effective way.

The house is a traditional 3-bed home built in traditional methods of brick and block, to provide a true test of labour and supply capabilities, options and technologies. The following energy efficiency steps were taken:

  • Increase the insulation in the walls, floors and loft;
  • Provide a higher degree of air tightness to retain heat and avoid drafts; 
  • Solar PV panels fitted on the roof which provide electricity to a battery in the garage for storage; 
  • An Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) for the heating system, plus a hot water cylinder; 
  • Two waste water heat recovery systems installed to gather heat from showers and baths; 
  • Installed a MVHR (mechanical, ventilation, heat recovery) system to provide fresh air and capture waste heat for re-use; and 
  • EV charging system, connected to the battery storage system and PV panels.

We partnered with the University of Salford early in the project to provide guidance on the technologies and understand how the home functions under real life living conditions. In March 2022 a family moved in for 12 month period as a living trial and the University of Salford is monitoring the performance of the house in detail. This will significantly assist us with planning our future homes, and understanding our customer expectations.

Building the zero carbon home has been a hugely valuable experience, both in terms of trialling new technologies, advanced smart home control systems, integration of technologies and, equally importantly, the build process. It has also identified new skill sets which are required and these are being integrated into our Persimmon Way of working to ensure quality outputs for our customers.

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Reducing our operational waste

Reducing waste generation is a key enabler for site efficiency and throughout 2022 we have focused on improving waste data capture and sharing best practice. In 2022, 96% of waste was recycled or reprocessed from our sites and off-site manufacturing facilities (2021: 94%), with 7.1 tonnes of waste generated per home sold (2021: 8.6 tonnes).

Responsible sourcing of timber

We are committed to responsible sourcing and look to use supply chain systems, which minimise the environmental impact associated with the production of key commodities such as timber. All buyers, surveyors, suppliers and subcontractors to Persimmon via group deals are required to purchase Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) certified timber and timber derived materials for use in all of our operations. If FSC or PEFC certified timber and timber derived materials cannot be purchased, evidence must be provided that alternative materials are sourced from reputable and sustainable sources.





We will achieve net zero carbon homes in use and in our operations, aligned to climate science.

We have a key role to play in minimising our environmental impact through our operations, our supply chain and the homes and communities we build, ultimately helping our customers to live more sustainably. Reducing our impact makes sense not only from an environmental perspective, but it also ensures greater efficiencies throughout our supply chain and operations.


SDG alignment

SDG7 - Affordable and clean energySDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communitiesSDG12 - Responsible consumption and productionSDG 13 - Climate ActionSDG15 - Life on Land

Material issue Target How we will achieve it Progress Update and next steps
Climate change action and resilience Homes to be net zero carbon in use by 2030
(2019 baseline)
Through a combination of fabric energy efficiency, electrification and sourcing of renewable energy On track • Plan in place to meet Part L regulations & Future Homes Standard.

• Trials of alternative low carbon heating technologies underway.
Net zero carbon in our operations by 2040
(2019 baseline).
Investment in low carbon solutions and technology, energy efficiency measures and initiatives and sourcing of renewable energy. On track • Achieved reduction in energy use this year.

• 2022 focus on improving efficiency in site operations, and extending JCB fleet telematics system to reduce diesel fuel use.
Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46.2% by 2030
(2019 baseline).
On track
Reduce Scope 3 emissions by 22% per m² completed
floor area by 2030 (2019 baseline).
Continued efficiency of Persimmon homes and supply chain engagement to reduce embodied carbon within products and services. On track Embodied carbon study of house type is underway.
In 2021, aim to purchase 100% renewable electricity for Persimmon’s offices and manufacturing facilities.

In 2021, aim to purchase REGO certificates for plots, show homes and temporary building supplies’ electricity consumption
• Purchase energy from providers sourcing 100% renewable energy as part of tender process.

• Work with energy providers to purchase REGO certificates for consumption
Completed All energy contracts are renewable energy – REGO/RGGO backed.
Top suppliers by emissions to be encouraged to
utilise the Supply Chain Sustainability School’s
carbon reporting tools and training.
• Engagement with suppliers and the Supply Chain Sustainability School to monitor success. On-going • Limited progress to date.

• Enhanced focus in 2022, aiming for 20 top suppliers to be actively engaging with the SCSS.
Maintain timber and timber derived products from responsible and sustainable sources via Group deals. Ensure adherence to timber sourcing policy through engagement with supply chain. On-going Audits to be undertaken in 2022.
In 2021, undertake a detailed waste review across operations and implement a waste reduction strategy. • Implement recommendations from internal waste review.

• Work with suppliers and waste contractors to identify opportunities and solutions for waste reduction on our sites.
On-going • Improving data quality, and stable rate of recycling achieved this year.
• Projects to reduce generation of waste to be undertaken in 2022. Waste targets to be developed.
Build climate resilience into business operations. Follow the recommendations of the TFCD. On-going • Detailed climate scenario analysis undertaken this year. Implementation of the recommendations in 2022.
Helping customers to live sustainability From 2021, increase sustainability messaging within Persimmon’s customer marketing materials and website. Marketing teams to ensure sustainability messaging is incorporated into materials, with a focus on practical tips and information on carbon reduction. On-going • Increased sustainability information on the website.

• The ‘Welcome Homemove box’ for new customers has been redesigned with sustainable products.

• Customer sustainability brochure to be released in 2022.

• Undertake customer insights on sustainability in 2022
Homes to be net zero carbon in use by 2030
(2019 baseline).
Installing low carbon heating systems and improved insulation in homes, and understanding customer needs for new technologies On track Real world trial underway with tenants moving into our zero carbon home at Germany Beck for 12 months, with comprehensive monitoring by the University of Salford.


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Building sustainable and inclusive communities



Building a safe and inclusive culture


Our Approach

Embedding sustainability into the business

Our Approach