Our Approach
Building on Persimmon’s strengths

Building for tomorrow
We will achieve net zero carbon homes in use and in our operations, supported by carbon reduction commitments, aligned to climate science.
We have a key role to play in minimising our environmental impact through our operations, our supply chain and the homes and communities we build, ultimately helping our customers to live more sustainably. Reducing our impact makes sense not only from an environmental perspective, but it also ensures greater efficiencies throughout our supply chain and operations.
Key priorities
We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions and have approved science-based targets for our operations and our indirect emissions (i.e. our homes in use and our supply chain).
We aim to be net zero carbon for our homes in use by 2030, and in our operations by 2040, and have established carbon reduction glide paths to achieve our targets.
We aim to have 50% of our homes built using timber frames from our off-site manufacturing facilities by 2027
SDG alignment
Transforming communities
We will positively transform communities directly connected to Persimmon’s activities.
Creating sustainable places for our customers is at the heart of what we do. Our Placemaking Framework guides all our developments and ensures we create lasting sustainable communities with great design, the right house types, and valued green open spaces.
It is essential we make a positive impact when building new homes, meeting stakeholder expectations and engaging local residents.
Key priorities
We are committed to maintaining a HBF five-star rating for our homes.
We are committed to delivering high-quality homes. Our NHBC Reportable Items, reduced to 0.28 for the year ended 31 December 2023.
We are committed to delivering at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain on our developments from February 2024.
We are committed to leaving a lasting legacy in the communities we operate in.
SDG alignment
Safe and inclusive
We have a safe and inclusive culture focused on the wellbeing of our customers, communities and workforce.
Recruiting and retaining the right people means we deliver our five key priorities and provide excellent customer service.
It is a priority that our processes meet stringent standards to ensure safety and wellbeing.
Key priorities
We will report our Annual Incidence Injury Rate and will aim to improve it year on year.
We will continue to increase our female representation to 40% of our employees, 35% of our senior management team and 45% of employees in management roles by the end of 2025.
The Group will maintain being a Living Wage Foundation-accredited employer.
We will continue to apply ethical standards and expect our supply chain to comply with similar standards.
SDG alignment
Engaging with Stakeholders
Committed to maintaining positive relationships
Engaging with StakeholdersUN SDGs
Addressing global challenges in a meaningful way that is relevant and aligned to our business strategy.
UN Sustainable Development Goals