Materiality Matrix

Focusing on what matters most

We undertook a sustainability materiality assessment to help identify the key environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities for Persimmon, taking into account potential impact on the business and the current issues that matter most to our key stakeholder groups.

Material issues and how they affect us

Number 1Climate change action resilience - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy use and ensuring resilience to the effects of climate change in the supply chain, business operations, customer homes and communities.

2Strategy - Ensuring the right business strategy is in place to ensure long term value for key stakeholders.

3Build quality and safety - Building high quality homes that will last through generations.

4Customer satisfaction - Ensuring customers are happy with the service and process of buying a Persimmon home.

5Health and safety - Protecting and promoting the safety of employees

6Governance - Implementing policies and practices to ensure all stakeholder expectations are met, manage risks and opportunities at the highest level in the business.

7Helping customers to live sustainably - Making it easier for customers to make daily sustainable choices through the design of our homes.

8Social value and enhancing communities - Demonstrating how we create value in the communities where we build.

9Talent attraction, diversity, development and engagement - Ensuring we attract and retain the best talent through policies and practices

10Cyber security and protection - Protecting Persimmon’s employees and customers’ data from cyber attacks and improper use.

Materiality Matrix

Engaging with Stakeholders

Committed to maintaining positive relationships

Engaging with Stakeholders


Addressing global challenges in a meaningful way that is relevant and aligned to our business strategy.

UN Sustainable Development Goals


Our Sustaianbility Governance Framework
