Board Committees
Committees and their responsibilities
The Board delegates certain responsibilities to the Audit & Risk, Nomination and Remuneration committees. The primary roles and key responsibilities of these committees, and the Sustainability committee, are set out below:
Audit & Risk Committee
Primary Role
The purpose of the Audit & Risk Committee is to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders by undertaking duties such as: monitoring the integrity of the Group and Parent Company’s financial statements and reviewing significant financial reporting judgements contained within them, reviewing the Group’s internal financial controls and the Group’s internal control and risk management system, reviewing the effectiveness of the Group’s internal audit function and monitoring the external auditor’s independence and objectivity and the effectiveness of the audit process.
- Paula Bell (Committee Chair)
- Andrew Wyllie
- Colette O'Shea
DocumentsAudit & Risk Committee Terms of Reference
The Audit Committee’s report can be found in our most recent Annual Report
Nomination Committee
Primary Role
The Nomination Committee leads the process of Board appointments, ensures plans are in place for orderly succession to the Board and senior management positions and oversees the development of a diverse pipeline for succession.
When considering the appointment of new Directors, the Nomination Committee determines the skills and experience which would be of benefit to the composition of the Board, then evaluates candidates’ skills, knowledge and experience to determine which candidate would be most suitable. All nominations by the Committee are made on the basis of merit and overall suitability, taking into consideration the diversity of the Board.
- Roger Devlin (Committee Chair)
- Nigel Mills
- Annemarie Durbin
- Andrew Wyllie
- Alexandra Depledge
- Colette O'Shea
- Paula Bell
- Anand Aithal
DocumentsNomination Committee Terms of Reference
The Nomination Committee’s report can be found in our most recent Annual Report
Remuneration Committee
Primary Role
The Committee determines the remuneration policy for the Group’s Chairman, Executive Directors, and the Senior Executive Group, which for 2023 consisted of the UK MD, Chief Commercial Officer, Regional Chairman, the Group Transformation and Land Strategy Director, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Group Strategy and Regulatory Director and the Company Secretary. Membership of this group is kept under review to ensure it aligns to the organisational structure and comprises the senior management roles. This is a responsibility which has been delegated from the Board. The policies and practices are designed to support strategy and promote the long-term sustainable success of the Group. When setting and implementing the Policy for Executive Directors, the Committee has reviewed and taken into account workforce related policies and the alignment of incentives and rewards with culture.
- Annemarie Durbin (Committee Chair)
- Nigel Mills
- Alexandra Depledge
- Anand Aithal
DocumentsRemuneration Committee Terms of Reference
The Remuneration Committee’s report can be found in our most recent Annual Report
Sustainability Committee
Primary Role
The Sustainability Committee is responsible for developing and overseeing the Group’s sustainability strategy, policies and objectives. Reporting directly to the Board, the Sustainability Committee is chaired by the Group Chief Executive and members include the Group Strategy and Regulatory Director, the Company Secretary, the Group Sustainability Director, and the Chief Customer Experience Officer. In 2024 the Group Construction Director and the Regional Chair (South West Division) will join the Committee.
The Board receives bi-monthly updates on sustainability issues and performance via the Group Chief Executive’s report, and a detailed bi-annual update provided by the Group Sustainability Director. A detailed sustainability review including performance update, biodiversity net gain requirements and business readiness, FHS scenario planning, and competitor analysis was also provided to the Board at the 2023 Strategy Day.
The Sustainability Committee formally met on three occasions during 2023, and covered topics including: business readiness planning for the Future Homes Standard; operational carbon reduction initiatives and tracking against targets; climate risk and TCFD reporting; long-term net zero carbon transition requirements; environmental metric for PSP award development; modern slavery review and statement approval; and policy reviews and updates.
The Sustainability Committee supports the Board’s climate responsibility, and oversees the Group’s climate change strategy, to ensure climate issues are being effectively considered and managed, and reports its findings and recommendations to the Board.
- Dean Finch (Committee Chair)
- Company Secretary
- Group Strategy and Regulatory Director
- Group Sustainability Director
- Chief Customer Experience Officer
Role of the Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors set the Group’s purpose, define the Group’s values, set the strategy and monitors and assesses the Group’s culture.
Role of the Board of Directorss172 Statements
View and download our, and our subsidiary companies', section 172 statements.
Subsidiary Companies' s172 Statements